
Charles Ridley

I have studied with the founder of Biodynamic Cranial Touch/Stillness Touch, Charles Ridley, since June of 2015. I recently completed a year long mentor course with Charles.

I became interested in cranial sacral therapy following a bicycle accident in 2001 in which I sustained a traumatic brain injury. In spite of having incredible medical care, including from one of the team doctors for the Seattle Seahawks football team, the most profound healing came from cranial sacral therapy.

I had the incredible blessing of finding myself living in the same small Mexican town as my teacher, Charles Ridley, and have been studying Dynamic Stillness with him since. I have a deep love of this heart-centered practice and am honored to support my clients in such profound healing.

Megumi Banno

I studied Janzu Aquatic Therapy with one of its founders, Megumi Banno of Japan. I have an incredible love of the water and was deeply drawn to Janzu during my first experience with the therapy.

Jorge Salazar

Since relocating to Mexico in 2013, Jorge Salazar, also known by his spiritual name of Iorch Quetzal, has been one of my primary teachers. I am grateful to have found his teachings at the beginning of my journey in healing practices. I have completed the following training with Jorge:

Reiki Master Gokuikaiden of Gendai Reiki Ho, Japan
Certified Sound Healer, Tibetan Bowls

Thich Nhat Hanh

I have followed the teachings of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh for more than twenty years including a three month stay at the Plum Village Monastery in Loubes-Bernac, France. I formally received the Five Mindfulness Trainings (lay precepts) in the Zen Buddhist tradition transmitted directly from Thich Nhat Hanh. I was given the Dharma name of Great Compassion of the Heart.